My Background
Jade is a social female entrepreneur who has been making an important and positive impact in the United States, China, and Keneya. She is the co-founder of GL Capital, a real estate investment company, a founder of Global Leaders Foundation, a non-profit that has been helping people in need. And she is a Sogal Baltimore, DC lead, SoGal is the largest global platform for the education and empowerment of diverse entrepreneurs and investors.
Jade cares about the community and always gives back to society as much as she can. She came to the United States from China 10 years ago. When she went to Johns Hopkins University for her MBA, she decided to make real estate investment with her partners in Baltimore. She brought more than 100 investors from Canada, England, China, Singapore, Indian, as well as manys other states from the United States, like New York, Texas, California to make investment with her and GL Capital in Baltimore and help Baltimore real estate to grow. She believes in Baltimore and always has a good heart and wants to make Baltimore a better place for people to live.
Beyond that, she started the Global Leaders Foundation 10 years ago and has been helping students in need in the United State, China, and Kenya. She and her team donated computer rooms to schools in need and provided online teaching for students. She and her team helped more than 5,000 underprivileged students. When Covid-19 crisis happened, Jade and her team donated more than 20,000 N-95 and surgical masks to hospitals like Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Temple university hospital, and health care workers in Texas.
She also supports female voice and female entrepreneurs. She is one of SoGal leaders that she and her team has provided sessions and events to help entrepreneurs to grow and fundraising in more than 40 cities all over the world.